Mobile CACFP Meals

Electronic Point-of-service Meal Capture

Presenting our latest addition to ChildWatch - portable meal capture!  This mobile app quickly captures child meals and attendance at the point-of-service.

Additional time is saved as marking paper rosters for later entry into ChildWatch becomes unnecessary.  After meal capture is complete, Meal Service Record (MSR) reports may be printed or saved for your records.

If you are a CACFP sponsoring organization of centers (or a self-sponsored center) you are familiar with the efforts needed to get staff to record the meals they've marked on paper throughout the week.  In fact, it is quite common for staff to fall behind, holding up the claim.  This feature eliminates all excuses and makes meal capture quick & simple for users.

There's nothing like it and it's available now to new and existing CACFP customers!

Key Benefits

  • Meal time Restriction (reduces fraud)
  • Paper Results Easily Printed
  • Reduce Errors & Save Time
  • Simple User Interface
  • Real-Time Data Capture
  • Offline capability
  • Android and iOS (iPad / iPhone)
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Secure PIN Entry

Staff log in using their PIN. This keeps the app safe and secure.

Classroom Selection

Upon login, staff will select the room for which they intend to capture CACFP meals.

Meals & Attendance

Upon selecting a room, the roster is displayed. A single tap marks a participant as receiving a meal. Another tap marks as "attendance only" (used whenever a participant is present, but not eligible for the current meal).

Once the meals and attendance are marked for the selected room, they are quickly saved and the app is ready to capture the next room. If the staff member is finished, she may log out to upload the captured data. The app will automatically secure itself after each use.